We’re proud to have nearly 1,000 machines at award-winning cafes across the globe. From the United States to Thailand, Ground Control is honored to be trusted by so many world-class coffee programs.
Ground Control Customer Map
Praise & Testimonials
“The Ground Control® is the one recent development in coffee that has caused me to rethink and question my understanding of the mechanics and truisms of brewed coffee and has provided me a greater depth of understanding into the coffees we produce.”
Scott Carey
SUMP Coffee
“Ground Control not only helps with drinks going out faster, it also helps with our sales and with some labor costs too—there’s only so much two baristas can do. It allows us to be more efficient during service while also providing better consistency for our drinks.”
Jillian Bruce - Willis
Brew Ha Ha! / Brandywine Roasters
“I’m always looking for consistency and
accuracy in automation. By eliminating
variables we can focus on the final product
and executing hospitality at the highest
level. Ground Control® has helped us
achieve and exceed our expectations for
concentrates and iced latte beverages.”
Andrea Allen
Onyx Coffee Lab
“…Ground Control® opens up the
boundaries of coffee drink creation
allowing a new generation of innovators
to redefine what a specialty coffee drink
will look like in the future. We have found
great use in seasonal drink creation via
coffee concentrates, and feel we are just
beginning to establish what is possible.”