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Better Coffee from the Grounds Up

Like many great company founding stories, Ground Control was hatched in a kitchen in San Francisco in 2013 by Josh Avins and Eli Salomon. Unsatisfied with the experience and economics of drip brewers, they began to tinker with a new way forward. Josh had a Eureka moment that afternoon, using his Chemistry PhD ninja skills to identify a way to more fully extract all the flavors in our beloved bean.

He realized that drip brewers only extract the coffee beans one time, leaving behind flavor trapped inside the discarded grounds.  He noticed that by vacuuming out all the brewed coffee from the grounds, it was possible to then add fresh water to the already brewed grounds and to extract additional layers of flavor.  The bitterness was gone, and the flavor increased!

Over time, Ground Control has discovered that its patented method not only brews a superior cup, but it also makes business sense.

  • June 2013


    Ground Control invented by Josh and Eli in Eli’s Kitchen

  • December 2015

    The First Customer

    First Ground Control is placed in San Francisco

  • April 2016

    The Big Reveal

    Ground Control is launched at SCA expo in Atlanta

  • April 2018

    Best New Product

    Ground Control Cyclops launches at SCA expo in Seattle, wins best new product award

  • December 2020

    Good Design Award

    Ground Control wins Good Design Award

  • October 2022


    Ground Control places over 600 brewers worldwide, including at the 2022 World Barista Champion’s cafe, Axil Coffee Roasters in Melbourne, Australia

The impact of our new chemistry-driven brewing philosophy is apparent in every component of Ground Control. These extraction and design innovations are what allow for 8-minute cold brew and iced latte concentrates brewed by the batch.

Stay tuned. The Ground Control Crew is transforming coffee technology and driving customers to efficiency and business success… and we are just getting started!