The Next Generation Ground Control SM Is Shipping Soon, Reserve Yours Today!

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“The best cup of coffee that I have ever had was brewed on Ground Control. This unique brewing technology changes the game by consistently brewing a much smoother, sweeter cup.”

Helen Russell

Co-Founder and Executive Chair, Equator Coffees

San Francisco, CA

A New Way to Brew —

Focus on Flavor

Our patented process allows you to extract only the most desirable flavors, leaving no trace of bitterness, all through an easy-to-use recipe development framework.

A New Way to Brew —

Focus on Flavor

Our patented process allows you to extract only the most desirable flavors, leaving no trace of bitterness, all through an easy-to-use recipe development framework.

“The Ground Control batch brewer gives you the most control over each coffee. The customization and consistency is outstanding.”

Elika Liftee


Onyx Coffee Lab

Customizable Recipes —

At the Touch of a Button

Your custom recipes are saved as a button on the touchscreen, providing an incredibly simple workflow to recreate your intended experience. Baristas train to use Ground Control in under 5 minutes!

Optimal Flavor Extraction

Ground Control is one of the most versatile brewers in existence. Small changes in parameters that are unique to Ground Control can result in meaningful, reasonably predictable changes to the resulting cup profile. By breaking up the brewing process into multiple, separate mini-extractions, Ground Control is able to provide a noticeably sweeter, cleaner cup and meaningful flavor profiling capabilities that are unavailable with other methods.

“...With Ground Control we are consistently able to access extractions from 24% to over 27% and our coffees are singing like they have before. I remember tasting one of our Ethiopian coffees with our head of QC. This was one of the first brews we did over 26%. We were stunned...”

Bailey Manson